
Thursday, September 18, 2003

what the hell "i am compelled" 

I think the word you are looking for is anyways! High Maintaince what the hell does this really mean?????I mean seriously is it that i complain too much, whin, ask for to much, i don't get, do i really seem to need THAT much attention? Honestly, what the hell ANYWHO! (no credit given) And of course life is not easy and i know money does not bring charater....... wait did i miss something? You know if you would call people back, or call them in the first place communication would be a hell of alot better! And thats all i am saying on that. I am having the feeling of wanting to go away. Do you ever feel like you want to get awasy from everyone you know, no one imparticular, just away from mom dad friends, go somewhere, that nobdy knows your name and you can pretend to be anyone. maybe that is the childish part in me, that when i feel like i can't handle things i want to run away from reality. oh well. this blog thing has turned into something more than me typing my thoughts... but it is good business. oh well it is late and i have to study, so i will go. i would say talk to me later, but since the only way i see or speak to u is if i call or come to see you. So maybe i should say when i get a chance!!! oh wait is was really funny in geology it was so funny my teach is the most mondane and boring teach you could like ever have, his lectures are presented to us on power point and it was funny because we were discussing mass waste, and mass erosion and, the M's were not working and so on the huge screen it said ASS WASTE, OR ASS OVEMENT, ot ASS EROSION!!! LOLOLZZZ i am in college but damn it was funny i felt like i was in kindergarden but it is ok the rest of the class was laughing as well. GoOd NiGhT !
Peace out,

Monday, September 15, 2003

Guess whos back, back again, guess whos back guess whos back guess whos back, back again  

Ok enough of that. Lets see what has been going down. Umm I became sad the other day and i left on break and went to my old store. All well after some guidance and reassurance I was able to go back with ease, thank you! Ok what else, Umm school, and work is making me grow up alot faster than i wanted to i am always at one of them. It is becoming so routine and boring i am onbly 20 why and i feeling older. Oh well what can i do. I was at the mall the other day and i will tell you a secret i was trying on daimonds, awww... ok none of that business. I am so scared and when i talk to him about it, confuses him and he gets upset. He says it don't but i know it does. so i try not to bring it up, but the real deal is that when he asks what i am afraid of i don't have an answer b/c truthfully i am not sure why i am scared. Things like this you should just ignore and find away and get over, but i will always have a doubt and wonder am i making the right choice, but i guess it is normal to think this way. I have good news i found out that my shop looks like The Penicle Yeah baby. I went to learn how to count inventory last night, it seems like a piece of cake, but i am a lucky person i don't have a ton of shit to count. so it will be better. ok I really don't have a lot to say which makes me sad because i don't always get the chance and i have thje next 45min to type and i really don't have a lot to say. oh well maybe i am just that boring and kashif is right, i am a bring simple person, which condridicts anything grady has very said about me being high maintaince. well maybe i am but when you call me princess and tell everything i want to hear i don't ask for much, maybe that is how i am simple. Hmmm.... not that the bastard has a computer or will ever read this i just want to say hi to garcia. thats it nothing more, just hi, oh and may Allah make your life so uncomplicating. HEHE!!! Man i skipped us. govnt today, that is sad i should have gone, oh i will call my teach and find out that happened. But i do have business next so i should go to that class. I want to remind some one where the is a will there is a way. you have to believe in youself you can conquere anything don't doubt, be brave little bear, work hard. Don't be no one ever sad life is easy. Personally i have never had it hard, (which is one thing that can make me hate you very fast if you bring it up, it is not may fault that my parents provide for me, and work there ass off when they where younger and still works extremely hard for us so don't bring it up to my face) ( that is not for anyone it is just something in general i would like people top know) But i go and work and go to school and handle both as if i had to. So if i can anyone can. anyways i will write later peace out!
love me

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