
Friday, May 09, 2003

I think I had a actual good day today. I got up early took my bro and sis to school and rans some earns got to work on time might I add, and worked 9 1/2 hours. Yes Over time I realize it was approved. Yesterday, my mom bought me these kicks I have been wanting for so damn long they cost 128, but so bad ass well spent money. And I got my hair highlighted a nice, but sometimes lost at work manager actually noticed on his own and complimented me. I was sort of shock, but said thank u and continued with my business. It nice to have someone say some thing pleasent for a change, oppose to never being, or with out saying something first. I am shopping for mothers day before I go in at one tommorrow. My wonderful, and hard working mother is getting the flollowing: dvd player for her room, two dvd's, tea pot, digital camera, sandals, manicure set, and a watch. My mother has everything but still deserves the universe and it's out galaxy. I wonder when people take showers do they face the shower head or have their back to it. I always have my back towards it, I wonder if I take showers wrong. My cell phone is on crack lately. It has a problem not ringing. Don't you feel like shit when you give great advice and you can't figure your own problems out. I mean really why? I have always been able to give good advice, but I am stumped on this one. But I send him my prayers, and thoughts. well school is finshed and I really don't give a shit. I have three months off and wanna have nothing to do with it until then. I have been 20 for a whole week today, and all I keep think is when do I get to turn 21!!! YEAH BABY!!!! "anywho" (grady). I am planning a surprise birthday for my dad. He is turning 51. I forgot his birthday last year. Well actually I didnot forget, I just did not know how old he was turning. It is like you get a certain age and you forget your parental figures actually age as well. My dad will always be 45 and my mom will always be 36. Back on track i am giving his a party hopefull this tuesday. I am making for an appetizer stuff mushrooms, Salad will be fresh greens with a raspberry vinagrette, entree will be chicken primivera, and for desert I am making Terramisu, (It is an italian desert, but i am not sure if you spell it that way) I am a culinary major and I am specializing in Italian cusine. Anyways, Ive got business to plan. things to plan, place to see, and people to DO! Funny huh.. NOT! What a loser I can't even make my self laugh. Well have a great night.
love sarah

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Ok i wanna really talk about my day. I agreed to help a friend move into her boyfriends parents house. Ya that is right he is 24 and still lives with his parents. We made two trips and I got to meet both of his parents. It was not to hard to move all the stuff. Oh by the way did i mention he is my ex boyfriend, and he would never let me meet his parents. I was so fucken weird going into his houde. I could not get pass the door was. What a big baby loser I am. I feel so awkward. I wanted to introduce myself as Hi I am sarah justin's ex girlfriend. and he would not ever let me meet them. But how inappropriate would that be. When I told justin I went there and I could not get through the door, the ass wipe asked why i did not go in the back and play with the dog as if I lived there or his parents new me and it was ok that I went outside. I am so irritated. I was so uncomfortable. Ok that is just making me feel more like shit. So I got to see my first prostitute today. She was pretty but she was really upset. I was driving and I was turing and there was this guy anfd he ran a red light and almost plowed right into the back of me. His tires sreechde so loud it scared the livin shit right out of me. And the girl next to me was completely froze. I am going to a titty bar. Sometime. I hope. I really wanna go, I am not homo or anything, but It sounds like fun. Going and see male dancer just don;t sound like fun. Anyways I have to study my math business, so I will chat later. Have a good night. I hope I get better. love sarah

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Well It has been a few days, and I don't think I have much to say. My birthday has come and passed. I was alright. I went to Hard Rock Cafe in Dallas the other night it was fun. Although the peoples I was with and myself were the only ones there. I have two finals today. I hate test. Mothers day is coming. Which means work is getting alot busier. Everyone seems to be in a bad mood. I Know they are that way for alot of reasons that which I may not understand or know about. But they don't know were to separate their stresses and being their freindlyness with other employess that have not done anything wrong and can't help the way that there mood has shaped out tobe. My best friend is having a boy. I am really excited for her, but i was hoping for a girl. I love babies, not to say I ever wanna have any of my own. But they are precious. I went to study at a girlfriend of mines last night. She was helping my study for ym math exam. We did not get alot accomplished, but we sure took note of the trial and error method. Her boyfriend came over. they are moving in together. She did not think her telling me, that I would have taken it so well. But I did, I took it just fine. I am really happy that they have all that mushy I love you shit that i did not have but that is me and we are all different. At first last night I felt a little awkward but then it be came easier to sit there with them. I Went to a laundry mat for the first time last night. You ain't ever going to catch my ass in one of those again. It was too hot in there. I don't like the heat, I like cold weather. Actually my favorite is cold, and rainy weather that is my most favorite. I am not going to summer school. I did not want to go in the first place but after in came down to it for summer 1 session they did not have any openings for classes I need and summer 2 well I am going to pakistan so i obviously can not go.I am so happy finals will soon be over and no more school for three months. I can't wait. Ok I have to go finsh studying and then I have to get dressed for school. Wish meluck.
Love, sarah

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